Sunday, April 22, 2007

This one always cracks me up

I just picked up a new copy of Essential Zen by Kazuaki Tanahashi and Tensho David Schneider (i know, i know... how shocking that i would buy a book - and this is my third copy of this one, having given away the other two). Well, it's full of real gems (and the "Essential" series is quite good, thought the notion of essential is questionable). Anyway, as i say, full of gems. And here's one that was an instant favourite:
One day Maurine Stuart was having tea with friends at her home in Cambridge when the telephone range.
"Do Buddhas wear toe-nail polish?" a seven-year-old caller wanted to know.
"Are you wearing toe-nail polish?" Roshi responded.
"YES!? shouted the little girl and hung up.

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